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Another year!
Another year is upon us.The first club night for 2017 is 13 February.Look forward to .. read more
The Ellerslie Badminton Club started out as the Ellerslie parish Club before we changed our name and we have been running successfully for many years.
The club is open from February to November. Based at the Ellerslie YMCA you are guaranteed to have a fun experience in this cosy venue with heaps of parking.
The Club prides itself on competing in competitions and takes part in the interclub competition run at Auckland Badminton. as well as holding our own club tournaments, Combines Cup, Club Champs, and Handicap tournaments.
We are a very friendly and social club and are open to all members 16 years and over.
Just show up on the night, to start playing!
Mondays 7pm to 9:30pm
Ellerslie YMCA,
Michaels Ave
Year Membership: $150
School Students: $80
Visitors: $10 per night
East Coast Bays
East Coast Bays is a club for juniors and seniors. We meet on Tuesday nights all year around (except for a short break over Christmas) at the Apollo Badminton Center.
Juniors play from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm, and Seniors follow on from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm.
$80 + $60 + $2 per night
$50 + $30 + $2 per night
Senior Club Visitor
$8 per night
Junior Club Visitor
$6 per night
Don Smith
Phone: (09) 478 3830
Email: [email protected]
East Coast Bays
East Coast Bays is a club for juniors and seniors. We meet on Tuesday nights all year around (except for a short break over Christmas) at the Apollo Badminton Center.
Juniors play from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm, and Seniors follow on from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm.
$80 + $60 + $2 per night
$50 + $30 + $2 per night
Senior Club Visitor
$8 per night
Junior Club Visitor
$6 per night
Don Smith
Phone: (09) 478 3830
Email: [email protected]
Come and play badminton every Tuesday or Sunday!
We welcome players of all abilities including those who are keen to improve their game and play competitively or those who just want to come down occasionally for a social game. Takapuna Badminton Club plays at the Badminton North Harbour Centre on the North Shore of Auckland city, New Zealand.
Club Nights:
Seniors & Juniors:
Every Tuesday from 7pm – 10pm
Every Sunday from 10am – 12noon
Meet upstairs on the mezzanine floor (towards courts 1-4)
About Us
Address: 28 Withers Road, Glen Eden, Auckland. Ph 027 818-6473.
Postal: PO Box 60-017, Titirangi, Auckland
Email: [email protected] www.titirangi-badminton.com
Titirangi Badminton Club welcomes players of all grades, from beginner through to competitive. Senior club nights are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7pm until 10.45pm. Come along and join us, no experience necessary. Contact us for information on juniors.
Visitors are welcome on club nights. First visit is free, following 4 visits $10 each. No further visits permitted unless a membership form is completed and fees paid.
Please ensure that the correct footwear is worn – non-marking court shoes only.
Our financial year runs from 1st March through to end of February. Your membership fee entitles you to:
Play on club nights (Tuesday and Thursday)
Access to the hall out of hours (see Court Hire)
Play in Interclub competition (extra charge applies)
Affiliates you with Waitakere Badminton Association*, which enables entry into Division, Masters and WBA tournaments
Permits entry into our Club Competitions
Membership fees for the 2016-2017 season are:
For the 2016/17 season the subscriptions are as follows:
Senior: $270 per person – now $155
Intermediate: $190 per person – now $110
Family Discounts are available
Senior: $245 per person
Intermediate $165 per person
A family subscription only applies to two or more members living in the same household. The discount is $25 dollars per person.
An intermediate player is a member who has attained the age of 15 years as at 31 December 2016 and is in full time study, at school or university
Membership forms are available during club nights. Alternatively, download our Membership Form 2016 print it, fill it out and bring it to club.
(* If you are already affiliated to another Auckland badminton club you do not need to pay the affiliation fee).
KEYS: Locks have changed for the 2016 season.
Key bond for new members – $50. Keys will not be issued until member has attended 4 club nights and application to join accepted.
Current Members: If you have a 2015 (or previous year) key, please bring this to club and exchange for the 2016 version.
If you have decided to leave TBC, please return your key – you MAY be entitled to a refund of the key bond. Thank you
🏐VRay Volleyball 同和排球俱乐部
VRay Volleyball Club
Contact the club/organisers first before coming to play
Light Volleyball night at 7:00PM to 9:30PM
Volleyball night at 7:00PM to 9:30PM
【NZLVGF新西兰气排球联合会球讯】 各位球友大家好!
1、每周日12:00—2:30pm 训练地点: YMCA Lagoon Stadium Leisure Centre 44 Domain Road, Panmure.
2、北岸场地,每周三活动 时间:晚7点到9:25 地点:西湖男子高中体育馆二号馆(Gym2) Gym2 Gymnasium, Westlake Boys High School 32 Forrest Hill Road, Forrest Hill, Auckland 0620 停车: 推荐使用Gate5 里面的停车场。注意停车不要停黄线标识的车位,不要停MINIBUS的停车位。也可以使用Gate3里面的停车场。
3.西区每周六活动 地址:36 portage road, New Lynn 时间:2:00-5:00pm
如果您有疑似新冠症状,请务必检测。如果检测阳性,请务必居家休息,不要前往球场。 祝大家安全打球,收获快乐和健康!
NZLVGF新西兰气排球联合会秉持开放、包容、联合、共赢的发展理念, 努力拓展新西兰气排球新的发展方向,注重多族裔的融合和国际赛事发展,努力为广大新西兰气排球爱好者提供一个更加广阔、更加纯粹、更加团结友爱,积极向上的气排球发展平台。2023年我们会吸纳更多的气排球爱好者参与到气排球的训练和娱乐活动中,无论是气排球小白还是高水平球友都会在我们的平台上找到自己的位置,体会到气排球的快乐和各项赛事的乐趣。
NZLVGF新西兰气排球联合会实行会员制,请大家扫描二维码填表入会! 入会球友享受会员待遇。收取的会费将会用于球队建设、场馆租用及各项团建活动的组织。2023年度会费现在开始收取,$50.00/人/每年,计费年度为2023年2月1日—2024年1月31日。入会会员可以购买使用会员场次卡,每张面值$50.00, 10次免费送1次;也可以使用现金,$5.00/次。非会员训练请支付现金$7.00/次。 NZLVGF新西兰气排球联合会会员卡于2023年2月1日正式开始使用。欢迎各位球友转账或现金入会。
转账账户:ASB BANK,NZ Light Volleyball General Federation,12 3618 0056018 00。请各位球友转账时务必写明姓名并截图留存转账凭证。
我们张开双臂欢迎更多的气排球爱好者和各界有识之士加入NZLVGF新西兰气排球联合会大家庭中来! 让我们团结一心,尽情挥洒你的热爱和汗水,在快乐气排球的道路上,我们一路携手快乐前行!
About Us
Address: 28 Withers Road, Glen Eden, Auckland. Ph 027 818-6473.
Postal: PO Box 60-017, Titirangi, Auckland
Email: [email protected] www.titirangi-badminton.com
Titirangi Badminton Club welcomes players of all grades, from beginner through to competitive. Senior club nights are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7pm until 10.45pm. Come along and join us, no experience necessary. Contact us for information on juniors.
Visitors are welcome on club nights. First visit is free, following 4 visits $10 each. No further visits permitted unless a membership form is completed and fees paid.
Please ensure that the correct footwear is worn – non-marking court shoes only.
Our financial year runs from 1st March through to end of February. Your membership fee entitles you to:
Play on club nights (Tuesday and Thursday)
Access to the hall out of hours (see Court Hire)
Play in Interclub competition (extra charge applies)
Affiliates you with Waitakere Badminton Association*, which enables entry into Division, Masters and WBA tournaments
Permits entry into our Club Competitions
Membership fees for the 2016-2017 season are:
For the 2016/17 season the subscriptions are as follows:
Senior: $270 per person – now $155
Intermediate: $190 per person – now $110
Family Discounts are available
Senior: $245 per person
Intermediate $165 per person
A family subscription only applies to two or more members living in the same household. The discount is $25 dollars per person.
An intermediate player is a member who has attained the age of 15 years as at 31 December 2016 and is in full time study, at school or university
Membership forms are available during club nights. Alternatively, download our Membership Form 2016 print it, fill it out and bring it to club.
(* If you are already affiliated to another Auckland badminton club you do not need to pay the affiliation fee).
KEYS: Locks have changed for the 2016 season.
Key bond for new members – $50. Keys will not be issued until member has attended 4 club nights and application to join accepted.
Current Members: If you have a 2015 (or previous year) key, please bring this to club and exchange for the 2016 version.
If you have decided to leave TBC, please return your key – you MAY be entitled to a refund of the key bond. Thank you
🏐VRay Volleyball 同和排球俱乐部
VRay Volleyball Club
Contact the club/organisers first before coming to play
Light Volleyball night at 7:00PM to 9:30PM
Volleyball night at 7:00PM to 9:30PM
逸园气排球俱乐部活动通知 新西兰中国文化体育协会 (NZCCSS)🏐🏐🏐 为感谢大家一路同行,也为了满足逸园新老球员和更多爱好者的迫切需要,提供更多自由选择舒适合理的训练时间,逸园安排每周五晚上恢复气排球训练。 🤝🏻为了给逸园志同道合球友们营造逸兴俱怀,独立自由,简单轻松和健康娱乐的家园平台,我们新中文体协会秉承“同聚逸园气排,共建文体家园“的宗旨,和大家一起,同心协力,携手共进,同在这个美丽遥远国度,同心协力,立足文化、体育和娱乐三大板块,形成以“球“健身,以“文“养心,以“娱“会友的身心自由的大家庭式乐园。 家不在大,温馨就行;技不在高,兴趣为重; 友不在多,互助共赢;爱不在多,齐心大同。 逸园气排球俱乐部于2020年2月成立,现隶属于新西兰中国文化体育协会,成立三年以来,在志同道合球友的共同努力、相互支持下,新老积极参与,队伍良性发展壮大,技术水平稳步提高,并成功参与两届星光杯气排球锦标赛。逸园俱乐部前身,第一届名称为全明星联盟队,第二届名称为逸园全红队。
一、免费俱乐部会员 所有参加逸园俱乐部的新老球员和气排爱好者均视同逸园队员会员,享有各项优待,比如,场地优惠,参赛自由,服装统配等待遇。球员除参加逸园学习训练比赛外,也可以自由选择其他气排球平台训练打球。
二、训练时间和地点: 时间:每周五晚上7.00pm-9.30pm 地点:YMCA Lagoon Stadium Leisure Centre 44 Domain Road, Panmure
三、训练收费: *单次:$6;优惠卡: $50/10次;旧卡:继续使用
五、逸园俱乐部初步成立起男女和混合三队伍, 逸园雏鹰队,逸园凤凰队,逸园麒麟队等。
逸园气排球俱乐部宣 新西兰中国文体协会(NZCCSS) 2023年2月12日